Abbey of Saint- Savin
Sun. 6 December
Pause médiévale
Lecture + concert: 14€ / Concert only: 9€ / Offer for the 3 Medieval Pauses: 35€
Medieval Pause
Medieval Pauses
Devoted to conviviality and sharing, the Medieval Pauses invite you to discover the abbey in a different way.
Come to the lecture entitled “Tristan & Yseut: dying of love on screen” given by Florence Plet-Nicolas (professor and researcher at the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne/CLARE).
Discuss your point of view with the lecturer and the audience during a friendly cocktail.
End the afternoon with musical and literary readings “Love in the Middle-Ages: from Abelard to Yseut” by Carole Visconti (actress and story-teller) and Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo (singer and psaltery player).
3:00-3:45: lecture
4:00-4:30: friendly cocktail
4:30-5:15 (more or less): concert