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Entrances fees, opening times and location

IMPORTANT : In the event of a religious ceremony, the guided tour would concern the monastic building of the abbey. Access to the mural paintings in the church would be possible after the ceremony.

ENGLISH TOUR : every thursday on July and August at 11AM.


Weddings :

  • Saturday 7 june at 15h00 / 16h30
  • Saturday 21 june at 16h30
  • Saturday 28 june at 15h00
  • Saturday 5 july at 16h30
  • Saturday 30 august at 16h30

Offices :

  • Sunday 20 april at 10h30
  • Sunday 11 may at 10h30
  • Sunday 25 may at 10h30
  • Sunday 8 june at 10h30
*Reduced fees conditions:
CNAS members and beneficiaries;
large families and beneficiaries;
holders of a passport from the Comité Départemental du Tourisme de la Vienne;
contractors (hotels, campings, …);
Free access conditions:
unemployed persons and RSA beneficiaries;
professional tourism cards holders of the Poitou-Charentes region (Pass card) or the Vienne department (ambassadors network: cards and coupons);
guests: on request at the EPCC, for promotion purposes;
card holders; AAH card holders (with a reduced rate for 1 person) ; CMI (with a reduced rate for 1 person)
ICOMOS card holders.



Located near to Poitiers on the North of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the abbey is 50km from the Futuroscope.

  • By car

Highway A10 (exit 29-Limoges)

Highway A20 (exit 15-Poitiers)

Road RN 910 or RD 951

GPS location : N46 33 53.0,EO 51 58.0

  • By train

Railway station in Poitiers (TGV from Bordeaux or Paris Montparnasse and Charles de Gaulle - Roissy Airports)

  • By bus

From the city centre of Poitiers (Lignes en Vienne buses) or Rémi-Centre Val de Loire buses